Nightly collections of my R.E.M dreams. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Missing the prize.

Question of the day as I was trying to incubate a dream. "Am I still in danger" ," what about that guy I saw the other day?" Yesterday, I saw Karen, an old unrequited love, in a Thrift store. We talked for a while, I gave her my Blog address. She told me her husband, a young guy, brought a house for them. I felt kinda low being that I'm living in a one room flop house in Chinatown and I couldn't physically love much less provide for her now or then, seems like the universe opened doors for me on that one but that maybe I was alone in feeling love for her...maybe I wasn't alone.

My Dream that night... I was contending for the Olympics. I was working out and working for a medal. I am in contention for a medal, as a gymnast or a super-aerobics instructor or maybe the Martial Arts.
Everyone was working out by a timer, however I wasn't very disciplined or paying attention to the timer, I wasn't keeping up with the others on my team who where contenting for a medal also. We were contenting for a bronze medal expecting to come in third place.
There were these professional sportscasters like Jim McKay. and others who were timing us for time trials. my clock wasn't working right or I wasn't paying attention to the protocols and I ended up getting beat out by another teammate for a bronze medal. A fat chunky,well muscled guy.
In the dream I remember my timing was 3.40 , but the other guys time was something like 3.99. It was about doing "sit-ups" and other exercises in a certain amount of time. Any way I lost my chance to win the third place prize.

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