I was sleeping in a room, my Mother and Step-father had arrived in the house and I was waiting on them to awaken..they were in the bed. Later I came in and checked up on them, there was this pillow maybe thing hanging by step-father's face so he had difficulty breathing. I moved it so he could breathe better.

I waited so they would wake up. Meanwhile the weather outside was getting windy and rainy. My Sister were in the house, and so was my Maternal Grandmother and her sister "Cora". Oh yeah I remember earlier I dreamt of that Fellow at the Oaks Hotel, the Person everyone is trying hook me up with, anyway I manage to somehow get around him in the dream. Was I successful in avoiding him because I was residing elsewhere in the dream..so this bring me back to the house with all these females in it.

With my Mother and father then came my grandma, and great aunt Cora whom my sisters said helped make things easier for Gays ( my cousin Dwayne), but it seemed in my life now that Gays were pushing this reunion with the guy at the Oaks. SO I am antagonist toward them or they to me.

At this point I became alarmed about the weird weather, and was afraid of whirlwind or tornadoes. I looked out the window and saw funnel clouds and such. I was trying to warn my sisters who where watching T.V. They seems unconcerned about the impending danger.. I figured in the dream that if a tornado was approaching we would be warned through an alert message on T.V.

Nevertheless I was trying to escape on foot, a large but weak whirlwind dropped down yards away from us, I could see some large funnel shaped clouds in the far distance,where they heading my my direction.

Meanwhile I was at a place of a great crossroads. The juncture at which the states meet (like Oklahoma) with other states in a imaginary but real dividing line. Depending on which direction I go I could end up in Kansas or Wyoming or such. The buildings and streets take on the names of these dual, triple locations. Which direction should I go? How would I escape the Tornadoes? How could I alert my sister and maternal family of the dangers, then they could assist me. What should I do?

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