What does a Blackbird mean in popular lore?
"Blackbird awakens the mind with awareness as changes of perceptions are unfolding. He stirs psychic abilities and brings to consciousness latent healing gifts and creativity. Blackbird shows how to move with determination, focus and tenacity and how to use your power to its fullest potential. At this time there is a magic of the unseen worlds coming forth that is paired with the balance of grounding within the earth as you walk your path. Blackbird will guide in this new awakening. Blackbird teaches use of intuition that will aid in understanding Mother Nature and the connection to all things. Are you listening carefully to the seen and unseen worlds? Are you grounding and balancing your energy appropriately? Blackbird will teach much and bring new surprises when you least expect it. Pay attention and listen carefully." http://www.starstuffs.com/animal_totems/dictionary_of_birds.html
The website "Constellation of words" has alot of information about that symbolism of a "Crow" or "Blackbird". A crow is a zodiacal constellation here's alittle about it.
"Apollo gave a feast to Jupiter and requiring water sent the raven with a cup (Crater) to fetch some. On his way the raven noticed a fig tree, and, resting there until the figs became ripe, feasted himself upon them until, remembering his errand and fearing the anger of Apollo, he picked up a snake (Hydra) and on his return gave as an excuse that the hydra had prevented him from filling the cup by having kept the spring from flowing, this being the cause of the delay. The god was not deceived by the lie and ordained in punishment that the raven should never drink so long as figs were not ripe. Apollo placed the raven (Corvus), cup (Crater) and snake (Hydra) in the heavens as a memorial, where the Water-snake guards the water from the everlastingly thirsty Raven. Corvus now sits within sight of the Cup of water, but he can never drink."... from the website "A constellation of Words".
I had an interesting dream.
Earlier tonight, I woke up from a dream that inspired me. I was beginning to doubt that dreams have very much meaning, but this dream had symbols with like meanings coinciding well, so I wrote it down. I also woke up with a feeling of motivation, since my brother's girlfriend was in the dream yelling advice at me. I woke up from it at 4:54 UT.
Like after many dreams, I got a vague, unsettling feeling like someone was with me. I remember looking at a chair in my room and imagining that what I felt was in that chair, but I knew I was just being ridiculous.
Here's the dream that I am very curious about. Later tonight, I woke up from another dream at exactly 7:30 UT (1:30 local time). As the dream progressed, I was eventually back in my bed again. I turned from my bed and saw shoes on the side of my bed. One pair was mine and one was my brother's girlfriend's shoes. I knew I was dreaming. She has tiny feet, so her shoes are tiny. I picked up the tiny black shoes a few times, but they would be larger whenever I picked them up and put my hands in them.
Later, I was in my room again, but I thought I had woken up. Outside my room, I saw my brother's girlfriend wearing all black and I went to tell her about the shoe thing.
"I just had a dream where there were shoes on the side of my bed. Normally, I would pick up my own shoes..."
"...but I knew I was dreaming and..."
Suddenly, she vanished before my very eyes. The clothes she was wearing were still in the very same spot of my view, but her flesh had faded into nothing and it was revealed that I was talking to a pair of clothes laying on a chair like the one in my room. That woke me up. I remember that the top was a black sweater with maroon on the inside.
As a black shaman, every black bird i have met has been a pain in the ass human soul
And people dream walk, stay away from the succubus (female demon), they are vampires, wanting sex in dreams, at a cost to your life force
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