Nightly collections of my R.E.M dreams. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Hectic day

A typical day for me , though I got more done. Finished my day at 10pm. I'm doing all this running around, but not making alot of money. I don't have a car so I been getting around on bike for years now.

I don't seem to have a very lot to show for my effort, but I do have a job, if I choose to keep it , or if I don't get fired by my new company. Anyway I'm running from site to site, but have only gotten paid a few hours. And for this ( which has been going on for almost 8 years), I get all kinds of abuse, people want to kill me, gossip about me with half-truths and lies. I'm treated like public enemy #1 by ordinary citizens sometimes, the very people I was trying to help. The Real bad guys ,the ones who started the rumours....What becomes of them?

Any way I am posting this as a Dream question, what do I need to do to improve my situation. I have alot of notions , but can't make up my mind.

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