Nightly collections of my R.E.M dreams. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Notes on Mrs Soffiel dream.

The feeling in the dream was of losing something precious. I guess what's changing or what I'm losing is a sort of innocence. I could file this post in my astrological blog. I didn't think a "middle-life" crisis could happen to me, but maybe that's what I've been going through.

I guess what I've been going through is been a sort of "wild goose" chase, chasing after a love, or a romantic notion of love with a with a girl I knew before. I try in vain but I cannot find .  Causing all kind of hell . I'm coming to term with an idea that that particular relationship is gone...and that I need to move on in some way.

Maybe its my Mom that I miss, or maybe its my first love...

Looking for love can be like an addiction, I don't do drugs, but its like a craving for that first "high"...and that craving is what makes drug addicts, there always chasing after that first "high".....but can never find. Giving up delusion can be painful.

In astrology I guess the beginning of this passage of life is symbolized in a transiting Neptune to Neptune square.

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