Gates of Horn and Ivory

Nightly collections of my R.E.M dreams. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Cthulu lives

First in this series of dreams I had this morning, I dreamt I was meeting with Strephon Williams, the " dream professor" I met in Berkeley. only he didn't look like his former self.
I thwarted a robbery a his home, when a transient came with a gun, I grabbed the gun from the robber and fired a few shots into the window next to him. It was a small caliber automatic.

Later was this sci-fi horror idea.   I was traveling around d this earth-like world. I was traveling with a female, a lot like my mother....but it wasn't?...

There were these beings that lived Inside these deep was as if the woman was trying  to "mind-meld" with these beings by sticking her head in the pools. The first time she did that, she was almost devoured by one of those mind melding creatures in the pools.

We tried this a second time ,we could sense that the being that lived in that pools was immense. As we sat by the pool, I could sense the presence of the was so immense, so powerful ,that its children lived like " floaters" in between dimensions as I looked up into the crystal blue sky.I could see the creatures flittering across the sky, much like a "floaters" in my eye.

The woman with me (mom) tried mind meld with the creature (part fish, part nautilus ) by sticking her head into the pool....the creature was much to strong, as it nearly devoured her, and I was trying to pull her out of the pool, out of the creature....

I woke up.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Notes on Mrs Soffiel dream.

The feeling in the dream was of losing something precious. I guess what's changing or what I'm losing is a sort of innocence. I could file this post in my astrological blog. I didn't think a "middle-life" crisis could happen to me, but maybe that's what I've been going through.

I guess what I've been going through is been a sort of "wild goose" chase, chasing after a love, or a romantic notion of love with a with a girl I knew before. I try in vain but I cannot find .  Causing all kind of hell . I'm coming to term with an idea that that particular relationship is gone...and that I need to move on in some way.

Maybe its my Mom that I miss, or maybe its my first love...

Looking for love can be like an addiction, I don't do drugs, but its like a craving for that first "high"...and that craving is what makes drug addicts, there always chasing after that first "high".....but can never find. Giving up delusion can be painful.

In astrology I guess the beginning of this passage of life is symbolized in a transiting Neptune to Neptune square.


Dreamt this vivid dream has I woke up this morning.

I forget a lot of the detail now, but I remember being prepared that a tornado was approaching a room where I sleep.  I just had one view, one window ,which was covered. Just before the tornado hit , I ducked under my bed...after the tornado hit, it had sucked everything out of the room, through the window, except the bed mattress base I hid under for cover.

Its been a long time since I had a tornado dream. I may be in an open field somewhere , or in a house on the prairie, next thing I know there a funnel cloud , and a tornado developing near me and I have to run from it. This is the first time  a tornado actually hit a room I was in , in a dream.

In real life, I've never experienced a tornado, and I live in an area where they rarely occur.
Apparently while sleeping ,a minor earthquake hit around the area I live, the birds (crows) and neighborhood dogs where making a ruckus.

Having a tornado hit where I live would cause a major catastrophe.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Dreamt this a couple of days ago at the end after many hours of sleep. life goes on.

I'm back in school again or in a music class. I kept hearing that theme music from the movie "Mrs. Soffel". Nothing became of the class. Even though I always wanted to learn how to play that piano piece. The main theme from Mrs. Soffel is a hauntingly pretty, passionate bit of that can sometimes make me feel a bit sad. As this theme was playing throughout my dream I woke up feeling sort of sad but lucid, as if I had been witnessing the lost of every love in my life...which there have been a lot of.

This dream reminded me of my real  guitar music class , where I did poorly academically, basically I when to that class to try to have fun an learn the guitar...which I did a little, but I always wanted to do great thing musically, and thought I could......but I quit practicing. Killed my muse, or neglected it.

I never fully sat through that movie ," Mrs Soffel" staring Diane Keaton and Mel Gibson. But it was about a lady (Soffel) and her husband who runs a prison camp. So feel frees and runs off with one of the prisoners there (Gibson). The theme music is notable to me, I heard it originally on an alternative music station.

The only thing I have done this this dream is to re-acquaint myself with the music , which is by an artist called Mark Isham. The album "film music' features music from "Mrs Soffel", "Never cry wolf", and " The life and times of Harvey Milk" which has a classic great trumpet piece in it.

'Soffel" sounds like "Soulful", at least to me

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The End? Pt.2

I had a dream today that a very serious firefight started in the Middle East, it might have started Near Iran.

I dreamt I was near somewhere Iran or Persia. I was with somebody. We saw some missiles Head into the ground, I guess into Iran, they were the bunker busting missiles, because they didn't detonate on the ground, but deep deep underground where we hardly felt a thing.

But we, I and this girl I just met looked up,and the tops of the underground Nuclear reactors were blown high,high into the air and were landing on the ground.

But the Iranians or some other group fired back with some missiles...and it rapidly started turning into a serious  fire fight,it was getting out of control,when I next saw a ship, a destroyer only it was in the air and it had dropped a large bomb olde time type bomb,Like from the Manhattan project .We didn't know if it was nuclear or not but we tried to take cover for the blast or at least I did...perhaps it wasn't a nuclear bomb because we were still there.

The End.


This dream comes at the end of the morning , I had my radio on . The talk of the News is that the nation of Syria launched some SCUD missiles into its own country.Yesterday North Korea launched some ballistic missiles into the Air. Threats everywhere. The events in Syria is potentially serious, maybe I haven't realized .Once I was browsing through a book about nuclear threats and Armageddon.In that book the author said that the closest the world was to World war lll, was when Israel bombed a nuclear reactor in Syria,because retaliation could have possibly involved Russia and the Chinese..but it didn't happen I guess because the Syrian's didn't retaliate. I'm sure he said Syria, not Iran, because if I recall the Israelis did bomb a nuclear reactor in Iran.They bombed one in Syria too?

Yesterday, I talked a guy would was managing a thrift shop.The shop was closing down  and he was selling some broken down musical stuff. Though I knew the shop was just moving down the street, but it seemed kinda ominous as the guy on his store did mention about the Mayan Calendar.

Its the End of the Mayan Calendar in 12 -21-2012. The Big day. The End of the Mayan Long count, what does it mean? To the Mayans it was a event, it represented a end of an epoch, it could mean something happens in Earth history to bring it about.

There have been many such predictions in History, but this is a big one. The Shop owner told me that N.A.S.A was showing a flyby of a asteroid that is supposedly passing close to Earth.

Anyway no one thinks about how the end might come...I hope there is no end for us, at least in a billion years,but who knows? Perhaps it could be World War.

Albert Einstein was once quoted, " I don't know how they will fight World War lll, but I know how they will fight World War lV, with sticks and stones."

Saturday, March 17, 2012

When do I get back from vacation

Dreamt I was on a 3 day vacation? , but had a problem deciding when I should leave to get home again. I was concerned about expenses for staying on vacation too long... like living in a Hotel. To get back home I'd be taking a bus trip, so then I'd be worried about departure dates, and I was concerned about packing up my materials because I was carrying alot.

This seem opposite of my real life situation, as I can't seem to take a break from my job, I have worked there 11 years ...part time. The Job has been fun. Once I was in a position like that this, the last time off I took time off, I went on a bus trip to Las Vegas.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

Dreamt I was trying to hang out with a group of people, one would wake with me every morning, but I couldn't get it on with them. It was mostly a guy. He went to a big party on a tropical island. It was struck by this wall of water, that swept all the partyers out to Sea.

This dream was the last part before I woke up. It been lightly raining outside of sorts.